
Showing posts from May, 2020

35 yr old female

Case report A 35yr old female presented with complaints of vomitings 3 episodes 6 days back followed by altered sensorium . no h/o trauma  no involuntary movements  no h/o deviation of mouth  no h/o fever,cough,chest pain,tremors,orthopnea,pnd no h/o use of anticoagulants,oral contraceptive pills  past history: h/o intermittent headache. known case of tb 4yrs back ,took ATT for 6 months. no h/o HTN,DM,CVA,CAD,SIZURES. surgical history negative. General examination: Pallor present  Icterus negative No cyanosis clubbing lymphademopathy,Edema. Mild dehydration and malnutrition present .Doll's eye postive Bp 100/60 mmhg Pr 110 bpm spo2 96% temp 102F RR 20cpm Grbs 119 gm/dl Cvs s1 s2 hears no murmurs Rs bae + nvbs hears P/a soft ,nontender,bowels sound heard, Cns  HMF- patient unconscious         stuporous speech- no response MMSE- not elicited cranial nerves-1st not elicited 2nd not elicited                                              rt         lf 3rd,4th,6th                      pup


Hello all, iam an Intern, and this is a case history of one of our patient's who got admitted . This is to complete my log book as  a part of internship duty Case report A 23 yr old male patient has   complaints of weakness of bilateral lower limbs since 5 days complaints of tingling and numbness  h/o vomitings 5days back 3-4 episodes non projectile non bilious food particles is content. when he got up for urination,suddenly he had a fall and got up with the help of father. gluteal abscess since 5months (operated 5 months back)  scrotal abscess since 20 days(incision and drainage 10 days back) PAST HISTORY  no similar complaints in past  h/o multiple sexual partners auto driver( high risk behaviour) not a known case of HTN/DM/ASTHMA/CAD General examination:  Pallor absent Icterus absent No cyanosis clubbing lymphademopathy,Edema Afebrile Gluteal abscess post drainage Bp 120/80 mm hg Pr 80 bpm spo2 98% Cvs s1 s2 hears no murmurs Rs bae + nvbs hears P/a soft, non tender Cns conscious

Medicine intern

Hello everyone..  I am an intern in Medicine and one of the important terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with my daily log of what I learn during the course of my duties from my cases, the procedures that I do as well as the theory questions and discussion that I engage in.  Case report  He has slurring of speech since 3 days and weaknesses of right lower limb since 4 days. while passing stools all of a sudden unable to getup weakness of rt lower limb 4 days back. h/o involuntary micturition no involuntary movements. no drooling of saliva no loss of consciousness no deviation of mouth no chest pain ,sob, palpitations,fever,cough PAST HISTORY  hypertension since 3 years (2017) used medication for 1.1/2 year no h/o DM ,CAD, epilepsy ? CVA 2yrs back right sided hemiparesis was diagnosed as hypertension also  hypertension medication &CVA stopped since 6 months      General examination: Pallor absent Icterus absent No cyanosis clubbing lymphademopathy,